Thursday, September 24, 2009


Well maybe we've got this thing close to being acceptably licked. I took the EGR valve off and put a calibration disc in that's about two sizes smaller than the one called for in the instructions. The I tried replacing the 5-way ported vacuum switch, but managed to break the new one. Not having a special socket for the task, I decided to put the old one back in for now, ordering both a new switch and a socket to make a special tool out of, and drive the car in the meantime and see how the recalibration works. Well it works very well! I don't have nearly the amount of hesitation when the valve opens as there was. I'd say in most cases it's imperceptable. BUt even when you can feel it, it is very slight. I'll leave it at that. The replacement ported vacuum switch may help even more, but if not, I think it is OK the way it is. Otherwise, I think the next step is to get the carb rebuilt with an eye to the ported vacuum tap being carefully investigated. You should be able to adjust the idle speed and not get into the range where vacuum starts pulling at that port. And it shoudln't be a sometime thing, but consistant.

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